Friday, January 26, 2007


Just a few updates:
I've added a link on the right to our Kodak Gallery picture site. You can see all the pictures we take (not just the few I post here). I'm also slowing adding pictures from previous years (Christmas, visits to Troy, etc.).

Katie's kindergarten class is currently studying transportation. They had a field trip yesterday to the Children's Railway where they had a nice train ride through the woods. The first week in Feb they are going to the Transportation Museum. We continue to be very happy with her new school and she is having a great time there.

Tonight the school is sponsoring an ice skating party at the ice rink at the mall we go to (we didn't even know they had an ice rink). After we bought the tickets, we found out why we never knew it had a's on the ROOF! OUTSIDE! WE ARE GOING TO FREEZE! I'll post pictures of our frozen selves tomorrow.

We have signed the lease on our house (when I say "we" I mean Anna..but she says I can live there too) and get the keys next Tuesday. Our stuff should arrive in Budapest TODAY but will take the better part of a week to clear customs. The end of the hotel stay is in sight!


Mom Price said...

Love being able to look at all the pictures. Thanks