Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ice Skating and the Lessons We Learned

The kids had a great time ice skating on Friday night. Every moment Katie spent skating was accompanied by an incredible sound track of oohs, ahs and screams, along with appropriate wind-milling of arms of course. VJ was a little reluctant to get on the ice at first, content to be held while one of us did the skating. Once I made him get on the ice and try (his feet touching the ice while one of us held him up and pushed) he had a blast and yelled for more every time I stopped for a break.

I forgot the camera, so no pictures to show.

Here's what we would do differently next time:
1. Arrive earlier - The kids & I got there at 5:15 and had to wait in line almost 45 minutes for skates. While a pain, this had a silver lining since Anna had an unexpected late afternoon meeting and did not get there until we were at the front of the line.
2. Do not even think about 1 parent going alone - After getting on the ice, I had no idea what I would have done with two kids by myself.
3. Parents don't need skates - what were we thinking? Anna and I being in skates only made things more difficult. It would have been much easier (and easier on my lower back) to hold the kids up and pull/push them along without having to make sure I didn't fall on my own ass.

Still in all, a very fun evening topped off with dinner & beers at TGI Fridays in the mall.