Thursday, January 11, 2007

Idiot Southern Children my kids are used to the warm weather of Texas. Neither one of them were really prepared for the cold weather in Budapest (of course the past two days have been unseasonably's like 60 today).

Growing up in New York, I guess I thought that all kids just knew how to put gloves on. My kids acted like we asked them to do Advanced Calculus. Some fingers were empty while others had company. You all know that my brother Frank is 12 years younger than me. Since my mom left for work so early, one of my jobs was to get him dressed for daycare and I just don't remember him having this many problems.

Anyway, we're getting better and you can see the results below:


Lisa Marie said...

You think having kids who can't put on gloves is a problem? My kid can't even put on mittens. MITTENS! There's only a thumb hole and then a wide open space. Yet both Sean and I have each spent 20+ minutes of frustration trying to teach the boy to put on the mittens with ZERO success. Now that's an idiot Southern child. All the other moms at preschool must think I'm negligent on cold days (it's all relative so shut up about it not ever getting cold here) when my kid is the only one playing outside with bare hands.