Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Guatamala!...WTF? I planned to write more about Budapest but something came up. I just got off the phone with Anna. She's was just calling to say hi, and did the rental car get dropped off and oh, BTW, she has to go to Guatamala in February.


OK...It's really not a big deal since it will only be for a week and we should be in our house by Feb 1st (ish) but I gotta say to ExxonMobil, wouldn't it have been more cost effective to ship her down there when we were still living in Texas? I'm not that great at Geography (certainly not as good as Hayden) but even a Geography-dummy like me can see that.

To my friends in NYS: if you listen closely for the screams, you will know when my mother has read this post.


Lisa Marie said...

Oooh, I can hear your mom scream all the way from Texas.

So what's the story on the new casa? You know the internet allows you to share photos.