Friday, January 12, 2007

A Little Site Seeing

The kids and I ventured out today for just a little bit of site seeing. We hopped on the subway and two stops later went looking for the American Embassy and the Hungarian Parliament building.

Even better from the kids perspective, before we found either of them we came across this park and had some fun:

The park was just down the block from the US Embassy. Here are the two pictures I took before the cop yelled "No Pictures!" at me.

And finally the Hungarian Parliament building. This is as close as we got since by this point Katie was complaining about how hungry she was so off to BK we went and then back on the subway to the hotel.


Lisa Marie said...

Arrgh...Blogger lost my first attempt at commenting. Don't think I can re-create my wittiness from 5 minutes ago.

Are you taking the kids anywhere other than American fast food restaurants?

It looks really pretty there. I like the pictures. Maybe I should sign up for the auto-notify feature on one of thos travel websites so I can get a plane ticket if they ever cost $200