Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Anna & I took the kids Ice Skating yesterday. The West End City Center (aka the Mall of Car Troubles) has an ice rink on it's roof. Anna brought her skates but this time I wisely decided to keep my boots on. Having not skated in quite some time, it's hard enough to keep myself up much less while dragging/pushing a kid around the rink.

The kids had a good time flailing about. Anna & I did our best to help keep them upright.

More pictures on our Kodak Gallery Homepage. Not too many though since it's a tough job keeping your kid from cracking his/her head open. Also while I was taking some pictures of Anna skating, VJ sat on the ground a started eating some of the snow off the ice so I decided it would be better to pay attention to him.


Lisa Marie said...

Was Anna the only woman out there in hockey skates? If other moms get in her way, she can just check them.