Friday, November 9, 2007

Car Bad Luck Streak Continues

Salvaggio's do not have good luck with cars. It's just a fact of our lives that we've come to accept. We're not 100% sure why this is but family legend says that my Great-Grandfather, Frank Salvaggio, newly off the boat from Italy somehow managed to offend Henry Ford. The details of what exactly happened aren't clear but it is believed that Mr. Ford's ghost now haunts the family, causing all of our car troubles in revenge. The accuracy of this family legend is in some dispute, due mostly to the fact that I just made it up. But something sure is out to get us...or at least our cars.

You all have read about Anna's exhaust system problems and my flat tire woes. Here are the two latest:

I had a little fender bender at the same mall where I got the flat tire. Actually, even "fender bender" overstates what happened. I was trying to find a spot in the parking garage (you should know that the parking garages in Budapest are well known for their "tight fit"ness). The person in front of me was doing something jackassery so I went to back up, not seeing that someone had pulled in behind me. BAM. Luckily he spoke English and was honest and admitted that the scratch/crack in his fender was already there. When I got back in the car Anna offered these words of support:
Anna: "I'm just glad that it was you driving and not me."
With support like that, what can't I handle?

At the time I thought that no damage had been done to my car. Naturally Henry Ford made sure that that didn't hold up. My "reverse radar/sonar beeping thingy" has stopped working. And let me tell you that with some of the tight spots I have to park in over here, I really miss it.

I'm thinking that I should just avoid this mall in the future and since TGI Friday's has removed the Jack Daniel's Pork Chops from their menu, there really isn't a compelling reason to get me to go there anymore (Damn you TGI Fridays!).

And that brings us to this mornings mishap:

While driving the kids to school I had to drive past a car (going in the opposite direction) on a small, winding road. There was just enough room for two cars to get by each other so there shouldn't have been any problem. I saw the garbage can coming up on my right hand side, but I was going slow so no worries. I even remember thinking "Wouldn't it be funny if I knocked the can over."

Hello McFly. It's garbage day. The can is full of garbage and is not going to budge. And apparently I wasn't going as slow as I thought. Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

That's it for now since I have to go find the duct tape before I go back to Katie's school (early since I also forgot to pack her Ballet stuff for after school. She tried to blame me for forgetting her library books too, but that's her responsibility).