Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Haircut Hell

So VJ and I got our haircuts today. I think that I'd rather scratch my own eyes out than take him to get his haircut. OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but please don't present me with that option during his haircut because I might actually take it.

Our normal tactic of bribing him with candy has become less and less effective until today it totally failed. It's hard for the gummi bears to stay in his mouth when he is crying screaming non-stop. After I picked up the 3rd gummi bear off the floor (covered in hair clippings, of course) we gave up on trying to bribe him.

The best part of the haircut came when the barber used the spray bottle to wet his hair and he spit back at her. I've started to rethink my stance on how often he needs to get his hair cut. Long hair on boys is not so bad, right?