Saturday, October 4, 2008

Anna the Spelunker

Anna had a team building exercise one day after work last week at the Palvolgi Caves. These team building exercises usually involve some activities after work followed by dinner. The Bonus was that the caves are literally 4 minutes from our house.

Anna had two choices for stuff to do: go into the caves for the main exercises or opt out (due to claustrophobia or limited mobility) and play the Wii and drink. Anna of course chose to go into the caves, a decision she would come to regret.

Anna went into the event thinking that the Palvolgi Caves would be something like Howe Caverns in New York. For those of you not familiar with Howe Caverns, you ride an elevator down to the caves where there are lights, walkways, handrails and even a boat ride.

She admitted to me that her first clue that Palvolgi Caves were not like Howe Caverns should have been when they handed her the coveralls to put on and asked if she had brought any hiking shoes. Missing this clue, she then spent the next 3 hours alternating between walking and crawling through the caves. In the dark with only the light from her helmet available. You can see why the guy is handing her the wine glass before she even changed...she needed it.

A week later she'll now say that she had fun, but for the first 3 days after she could barely walk she was so sore.

Moral of the story: when one of your choices is to play a videogame, you play the videogame.


Mom Price said...

If you were to go team building with your boss and she chose to play a videogame, would you have any respect for your boss. I think Anna did a marvelous thing and just imagine putting that on your resume. Way to go Anna!! I am so proud of you!!!!!!

Lisa Marie said...

THREE HOURS?!?! I think she about wore those poor Sketchers out. Let me know if I need to send a new pair. Once again, proving that she is not Vito, Anna declines the video game option.