Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baking a Cake

So, since tomorrow is Anna's birthday and no one should have to make her own cake, I decided to make a cake today. From scratch. I know you are impressed.

Anna went over the recipe with me last night and gave me some pointers. She also made sure I knew that I had to get some stuff at the store this morning before I started (more on this later).

Naturally the kids wanted to "help." The kids helped out by holding the measuring cups and pouring stuff in. I also had Katie re-read the recipe to me so she felt like she helped. What I did not find helpful was her telling me, several times, "That's not how Mommy does it."

VJ's contribution was to get bored half way through and leave the kitchen...which would have been perfect except that a few minutes later, when I was busy adding the ingredients into the mixer, I hear him yelling from the bathroom "Daddy, I went poo poo in the potty!" Which is little kid code for "Daddy, come help me wipe my ass!" Also not very helpful.

All in all I have to say that it didn't go too bad and the cake at least looks good. I'll let you know how it tastes.

Oh, about the store...Anna told me to buy two sticks of butter (not the kind in the tub we usually get...I won't go into how much of a pain in the ass it is to have to convert from Metric to English and weight to volume, etc.). Anyways, after the cake was in the oven and I was cleaning up (no help from the kids at this point) I was wondering why Anna had me buy two sticks of butter when I only had to use part of just one. And then it hit me. She had me get extra in case I fucked up the cake on my first try and had to she had to re-do it tonight. Pretty sneaky honey, but I figured it out.

Anna helped out by making the frosting. Looks pretty good.