Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1st Grade Zoo Field Trip

The First Grade Classes at AISB have been studying animals and went to the zoo yesterday. I volunteered to chaperone and had Shiraz (Israel) and Misbah (Pakistan) in my group.

Misbah, who also lived in Kenya for many years, highlighted one of the things I most like about this school with these comments.

Conversation #1
Me: "We need to be sure to see the rhinos. They are the best." (Rhinos are my favorite)
Misbah: "I don't like rhinos."
Me: "Why don't you like rhinos? They're awesome!"
Misbah: "Well, one chased us one time, so..."

Conversation #2
Me: "Hey, check out the zebras."
Misbah: "Zebras are boring."
Me: "Zebras are cool. They're like horses...but with stripes!"
Misbah: "Well, I've seen a herd of them in the wild, so..."

The zoo just wasn't doing it for Misbah. But it goes to show how many different life experiences these kids bring to the table and can share with their friends.

I took this pictures of the giraffes. I thought it was nice of them to stand so close together, as if posing. Then Tarek (Egypt) helpfully shouted out some info that clued me in on why they were "posing"

Tarek: "There's the giraffe's wiener! Look at his wiener!"
Luckily it was post-lunch and I had just bought the girls some ice cream so they weren't paying close attention and it was easy to shivvy them along. (Go ahead and click on the picture to enlarge it...the picture that is. You know you are curious.)

All in all a good day and everyone had a good time (especially the boy giraffe).

I'll post some pictures from our Ireland trip just as soon as I can. Been a bit busy with end of the year stuff (chaperoning another field trip tomorrow).