Friday, October 19, 2007

Totally Screwed

The conversation at dinner tonight nearly wrecked my appetite. Things had started off so well. I was talking to VJ about a little girl in his class, Sosha, who is just the cutest thing ever.

Me: "VJ, is Sosha in you class?"
VJ: "Yes."
Me: "Do you like her?"
VJ: "Yes, Daddy."
Me: "You can marry her if you want to."

This is where Katie decides to join the conversation and things rapidly go down hill.

Katie: "I think I'm in love with Maté from my class."
Me: with totally serious face/tone "You stay away from boys!"
Katie looks stunned.
Anna: "Daddy's only kidding."
I smile to pretend like that's true and they laugh.

WTF? When did this happen? I try and think about which little bastard is Maté.

Me: "Maté doesn't speak English very well, does he?"
Katie: "No he goes to ESL."
I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
Me: "Is he nice to you?"
Katie: "Yes."
Me: "Do you hold hands with him?"
Katie shrugs

A shrug. What the hell kind of answer is that? FYI Kate: That kind of answer is not going to fly when you're 13 yrs old.

Oh my head I am not ready for this. Pray for me please.