Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Important Safety Tip

VJ learned an important safety tip today. When opening the car door, it's important not to put your finger between the door and the garage wall.


He has a nice bruise on his finger where he hit it pretty good. He calmed down pretty quickly although he would barely let me look at it...and forget about putting ice on it. And by "ice" I mean frozen peas and carrots since we don't waste what little space is available in our tiny freezer on frozen water.

Katie was nice enough to read him a story to make him feel better while I made lunch. She can be such a nice girl when she's not taking toys from him, bossing him around or otherwise arguing with him.


Mom Price said...

At least VJ was opening the door. That's better than closing the door on his fingers. When Reba was small, we had hard sided suitcases and I closed one with her fingers on the edge. Nothing broken, but how bad a feeling I had as she screamed.!